SIA-R11Links have an accessible name

Accessibility requirements

This rule tests conformance of the following accessibility requirements:


This rule checks that elements with a role of link, have an accessible name.


This rule applies to every element in the HTML namespace with a semantic role of link or inheriting from link where the element is included in the accessibility tree.


  1. The element has an accessible name that is not empty.


This rule makes no assumptions.

Accessibility support

This rule has no known accessibility support concerns.



These elements all have a semantic role of link and an accessible name and therefore pass the rule:

<a href="">Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)</a>
<div role="link"><img src="#" aria-label="This is a link" /></div>
<a href="" title="This is a link"><img src="#" /></a>

This element has a role inheriting from link:

See [<a href="" role="doc-biblioref">ACT rules</a>]


This link has no accessible name and therefore fails the rule:

<a href=""></a>


This element does not have a semantic role of link and is therefore inapplicable:

<a href="" role="button">
    Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)

This element is not included in the accessibility tree and is therefore inapplicable:

<a href="" style="display: none;"><img src="#" /></a>


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