SIA-R17Elements with aria-hidden="true" are not focusable

Accessibility requirements

This rule tests conformance of the following accessibility requirements:


This rule checks that elements that have been excluded from the accessibility tree using the aria-hidden attribute with a value of true are not, nor have descendants that are, focusable.


This rule applies to every element with an aria-hidden attribute with a value of true.


  1. The target element does not have any inclusive descendant in the flat tree that is focusable.


  • This rule assumes that focusing elements does not change their aria-hidden attribute. If scripting removes the aria-hidden attribute upon receiving focus, this rule will produce incorrect results. Note that this is still not a great user experience since it prevents Assistive Technology users from knowing the content of the page before interacting with it.

  • This rule assumes that focusable elements do not redirect focus immediately upon receiving it. Modal windows sometimes have "focus sentinel" to redirect focus at their top upon reaching the bottom. In such a case, the interactive elements outside of the modal are technically focusable but will never effectively receive focus nor cause an accessibility problem.

Accessibility support

This rule has no known accessibility support concerns.



This element has been excluded from the accessibility tree but is not focusable and therefore passes the rule:

<div aria-hidden="true">
    <p>This is some text</p>

This otherwise focusable element has been excluded from the accessibility tree and made unfocusable using a negative tabindex and therefore passes the rule:

<button aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1">This is a button</button>


This element has been excluded from the accessibility tree but is still focusable and therefore fails the rule:

<button aria-hidden="true">This is a button</button>


This element has not been excluded from the accessibility tree and is therefore inapplicable:

<button>This is a button</button>


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