SIA-R18aria-* states and properties are allowed

Accessibility requirements

This rule tests conformance of the following accessibility requirements:


This rule checks that ARIA states and properties are allowed by the element on which they are specified.


This rule applies to every attribute specified on an element included in the accessibility tree, where the name of the attribute corresponds to a WAI-ARIA state or property.


  1. The attribute is either:

    For example, the <audio> element has no corresponding semantic role, but it can have inherited, supported, or required states or properties of the application role.

  2. The attribute is not a prohibited state or property of the semantic role of the element on which it is specified.


This rule makes no assumptions.

Accessibility support

This rule has no known accessibility support concerns.



The aria-pressed state is supported for the button role:

<button aria-pressed="false">My button</button>

The global state aria-busy is supported by all base markup elements:

<div aria-busy="true">My busy button</div>

This <input> element does not have any semantic role, but the aria-required property may be used on an <input> element whose type attribute is in the Password state.

<label>Password<input type="password" aria-required="true" /></label>


The aria-sort property is neither supported, inherited nor required for the button role:

<button aria-sort="ascending">Sort by year</button>

The aria-label property is prohibited for the generic role:

<div aria-label="Hello">Good morning.</div>


This element has no WAI-ARIA state or property:

<div role="region">A region of content</div>

This element is not included in the accessibility tree:

<button aria-sort="ascending" aria-hidden="true">Sort by year</button>


This document includes material copied from or derived from Copyright © 2025 W3C® (MIT, ERCIM, Keio, Beihang).