SIA-R53Headings are structured

Accessibility requirements

This rule is not required for conformance to any accessibility requirements.


This rule checks that headings are properly nested.


This rule applies to every element in the HTML namespace with a semantic role of heading which is included in the accessibility tree, except for the first one in tree order in the flat tree of a document.


  1. The last element in tree order which

    has an aria-level property whose value is greater than or equal to the value of the aria-level property of the test target minus 1.

    If the test target has an aria-level property whose value is 4, then the previous heading must have an aria-level property whose value is greater or equal than 4 minus 1 (i.e. 3).


This rule makes no assumptions.

Accessibility support

This rule has the following accessibility support concern:



The headings in the following document are correctly nested:

  This heading is not applicable because it is the first heading in the document
    <h1>Part one</h1>

  This heading has a level of 2. The previous heading has a level of 1, which is
  greater than or equal to 2 - 1 = 1.
    <h2>Chapter one</h2>

  This heading has a level of 3. The previous heading has a level of 2, which is
  greater than or equal to 3 - 1 = 2.
    <h3>Section one</h3>

  This heading has a level of 1. The previous heading has a level of 3, which is
  greater than or equal to 1 - 1 = 0.
    <h1>Part two</h1>

  This heading has a level of 2. The previous heading has a level of 1, which is
  greater than or equal to 2 - 1 = 1.
    <h2>Chapter one</h2>

  This heading has a level of 2. The previous heading has a level of 2, which is
  greater than or equal to 2 - 2 = 0.
    <h2>Chapter two</h2>


The <h3> and <h6> elements in this document are incorrectly nested:

  This heading is not applicable because it is the first heading in the document
    <h1>Part one</h1>

  This heading has a level of 3. The previous heading has a level of 1, which is
  not greater than or equal to 3 - 1 = 2.
    <h3>Chapter one</h3>

  This heading has a level of 2. The previous heading has a level of 3, which is
  greater than or equal to 2 - 1 = 1.
    <h2>Part two</h2>

  This heading has a level of 6. The previous heading has a level of 2, which is
  not greater than or equal to 6 - 1 = 5.
    <h6>Chapter one</h6>

The <h2> element is not included in the accessibility tree and is thus ignored by this rule. The <h3> is thus preceded by the <h1> and fails this rule.

    <h1>Part 1</h1>
    <h2 aria-hidden="true">Chapter one</h2>
    <h3>Section one</h3>


In this document, the document element is an SVG <svg> element, not an HTML <html> element, hence the rule is inapplicable.

<svg xmlns="">
  <title>This is a circle</title>
  <circle cx="150" cy="75" r="50" fill="green"></circle>

This document has only one heading which is included in the accessibility tree, hence none are applicable for this rule.

    <h2 aria-hidden="true">Part one</h2>
    <h3>Chapter one</h3>
    <h4 aria-hidden="true">Section one</h4>