SIA-R54Assertive live region is marked as atomic

Accessibility requirements

This rule tests conformance of the following accessibility requirements:


This rule checks that each assertive live region (aria-live="assertive") is marked as atomic (aria-atomic="true").


This rule applies to every element for which all the following are true:


  1. The element has an aria-atomic property with a value of true.


This rule makes the following assumption:

Accessibility support

This rule has the following accessibility support concerns:

  • There exists a known combination of operating system and assistive technology that does not correctly assign implicit properties to elements with a semantic role of alert.

The distinction between a property and an attribute is important to this rule. While an attribute is a concrete construct that an author specifies in an HTML document, such as by writing <div aria-atomic="true">, a property is a conceptual construct built from ARIA attributes. A conforming user agent would assign an implicit aria-atomic property with a value of true and an aria-live property with a value to assertive to an element with a semantic role of alert.



This form has an error area to display error messages; this area is both assertive and atomic.

<div id="errors" role="alert" aria-atomic="true" aria-live="assertive">
    <p id="first-error"></p>
    <p id="last-error"></p>
    <label for="first">First Name (required)</label><br />
    <input type="text" name="first" id="first" />
    <label for="last">Last Name (required)</label><br />
    <input type="text" name="last" id="last" />
    <button onclick="check('first'); check('last');">Submit</button>

    function check(field) {
        const input = document.getElementById(field);
        const error = document.getElementById(`${field}-error`);
        if (input.value === "") {
            error.innerHTML = `<span>Please enter your ${field} name.</span>`;
        } else {
            error.innerText = "";


This form has an error area to display error messages; this area is assertive but not atomic.

<div id="errors" role="alert" aria-atomic="false" aria-live="assertive">
    <p id="first-error"></p>
    <p id="last-error"></p>
    <label for="first">First Name (required)</label><br />
    <input type="text" name="first" id="first" />
    <label for="last">Last Name (required)</label><br />
    <input type="text" name="last" id="last" />
    <button onclick="check('first'); check('last');">Submit</button>

    function check(field) {
        const input = document.getElementById(field);
        const error = document.getElementById(`${field}-error`);
        if (input.value === "") {
            error.innerHTML = `<span>Please enter your ${field} name.</span>`;
        } else {
            error.innerText = "";


None of these elements are assertive.

<p>You've been here for <span id="timer"></span> seconds</p>

  const timer = document.getElementById("timer");
  let seconds = 0;
  setInterval(function () {
    timer.innerHTML = seconds++;
  }, 1000);

This form has an error area to display error messages; the area is assertive but initially empty. Once filled, the full content is changed and the message is read in full, providing the required context about the error.

<div id="errors" role="alert" aria-atomic="false" aria-live="assertive">
    <label for="first">First Name (required)</label><br />
    <input type="text" name="first" id="first" />
    <button onclick="check('first');">Submit</button>

    function check(field) {
        const input = document.getElementById(field);
        const error = document.getElementById(`errors`);
        if (input.value === "") {
            error.innerHTML = `<span>Please enter your ${field} name.</span>`;
        } else {
            error.innerText = "";