SIA-R64Heading has non-empty accessible name

Accessibility requirements

This rule tests conformance of the following accessibility requirements:


This rule checks that each heading has a non-empty accessible name.


This rule applies to every element in the HTML namespace with the semantic role of heading that is included in the accessibility tree.


  1. Each test target has a non-empty ("") accessible name.


This rule makes no assumptions.

Accessibility support

  • Some assistive technologies may hide headings with empty accessible name from the users. This depends both on the user agent and how the accessible name was computed (the accessible name and description computation is not clear concerning which characters should be trimmed) and of the assistive technology itself. Hence, there are cases where the outcome of this rule is failed, but users of certain assistive technology and browser combinations will not experience an issue.

  • Implementation of Presentational Roles Conflict Resolution varies from one browser or assistive technology to another. Depending on this, some elements can have a semantic role of heading and fail this rule with some technology but users of other technologies would not experience any accessibility issue.



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