SIA-R82Error message describes invalid form field value
Accessibility requirements
This rule tests conformance of the following accessibility requirements:
This rule checks that text error messages provided when the user completes a form field with invalid values or using an invalid format, identify the cause of the error or how to fix the error.
This rule applies to every element in the HTML namespace that has one of the following semantic roles:
Each test target either has no form field error indicators, or at least one of the form field error indicators allows the identification of the related test target, through text, non-text content, or presentation.
Each test target either has no form field error indicators, or at least one of the form field error indicators describes:
- the cause of the error, or
- how to resolve it,
Each test target either has no form field error indicators, or at least one of the form field error indicators describes:
- the cause of the error, or
- how to resolve it,
in text that is included in the accessibility tree or included in the accessible name or accessible description of the test target.
This rule makes no assumptions.
Accessibility support
This rule has no known accessibility support concerns.
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